samedi 27 août 2011

Viol collectif en gare de Lyon Part-Dieu : voici le nom des violeurs

Exclusivité Défrancisation

Une source policière nous communique le nom des auteurs du viol collectif commis en gare de Lyon Part-Dieu le 4 mai dernier.
Une jeune fille de 14 ans dont nous tairons l’identité (bien différente de celle des auteurs), a été abusée sexuellement par 4 racailles pendant que d’autres filmaient la scène à l’aide de leur téléphone portable.
Les 4 protagonistes mis en examen :
  • BOUHATA Imran
  • CHELIHI Rayane

L’agression s’était déroulée le 04 mai 2011 en fin d’après-midi sur une place d’accès à la gare de la Part-Dieu, où la jeune fille, une  habitante de Villeurbanne, en banlieue lyonnaise, avait rendez-vous avec son petit ami et quelques copains. Avant de retrouver ces derniers, elle a été interpellée par « un ou deux jeunes » d’un autre groupe d’adolescents originaires de Villeurbanne également, qui l’ont « invitée à la suivre » jusqu’à cet accès en sous-sol de la gare, où leurs copains les attendaient.
Quatre mineurs ont alors contraint l’adolescente à « leur faire une fellation », la menaçant de représailles si elle ne s’exécutait pas.
Source : L’Express Merci à notre source


Oslo: ALL Sexual Assaults ending in Rape commited

by Non-Westerners


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Transcript below

 In Oslo all sexual assaults involving rape in the past year
 has been committed by males of non-western background
 this was the conclusion of a police report published today
This means that every single rape assault in the last five years,
 where the rapist could be identified, he was a man of foreign origin,
 The young girl we are about to meet was raped about two years ago
 As she entered her apartment she was assaulted and endured
 hours of the threats and violence and rape by a man unknown to her
 She will be struggling with this experience for the rest of her life
 I have found it difficult to go out shopping on my own because I felt anxious
 I was simply too afraid to go out the door, And had problems contacting
 and speaking to friends and family and simply live a normal life.
 In april a few weeks ago, four women were assaulted and raped on the same night
 None of the perpetrators has yet been found
 Today Oslo police presented the total figures
 revealing how in the past year, all sexual assaults involving rape
 has been commited by men of non-western background.
 It is troubling statistics
 From 2005-2010 a total of 86 sexual assaults involving rape was reported
 in 83 cases the man was described as having "non-western appearance"
 these are all the cases in which the perpetrator could be identified by the victim
 Many of the perpetrators who commit these rapes are on the edge of society
 often unemployed, arriving from traumatized countries.
 In the past five years it has often been asylum seekers
 This girl was raped by a man of pakistani heritage
she is an ethnic norwegian as is almost all victims who are assaulted and then raped
 "He said, that he had the right to do exactly as he wanted to a woman"
 Why? "Because that is how it was in his religion"
 "Women did not have rights or oppinions, he was in charge"
 The way women are viewed is atleast one of the questions we have to ask
 in order to understanding the motive of the perpetrators
 It should not stand on its own, as a stigma,
 but it is an element we must have the courage to

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